Solo Poetry Pamphlets


Welcome to our open call for solo poetry pamphlets!  We will select two poets from the submissions and the chosen collections will each be released Autumn 2024.

We are looking for weird, sensitive, compelling poetry by trans poets.

We are curious about poetry that pushes boundaries in terms of both form and content or is experimental in nature, but we are happy to read all kinds of trans poetry. We aim to prioritise poets who are self taught or came to poetry in their own way. Most importantly, we want you to send us work you love!

We welcome submissions by both published and unpublished poets, your publishing history isn’t a barrier to being considered by Almanac. You are welcome to submit a pamphlet project that you have been developing already, or to just submit a selection of raw poems for us to work on and shape together. Please note: Individual poems can have been published elsewhere, but the pamphlet should be unpublished as a body of work.

What we can offer

✶ Editing, sequencing, feedback & artistic direction (depending on your wants and needs)

✶ A fee of 700€ per writer

✶ Graphic design done in-house by us

✶ All production costs and labour covered by us

✶ We will distribute and promote it on our website / social media and via stockists

All sales of the pamphlets go directly into our mutual aid pool for trans people in need.

Technical specs

✶ Submit 10-30 poems maximum in 1 pdf file. Please put a page break after each poem.

✶ Currently we are an English speaking team, this means submission language is in English but we are open to publishing dual-language projects if you translate your own work or have a translator to work with (fee for translation can be discussed on a case-by-case basis).

✶ We will produce 100 copies of each pamphlet initially & may reprint if there is demand.

✶ Each writer will get 20 copies for their own use.

✶ The pamphlets will be B/W or single colour with a simple binding (resource dependant).

Publishing rights

You retain full rights to your texts and are free to re-publish any or part of the texts as you wish


︎︎︎11 March 2024

(You will receive an auto response of receipt of your submission) 

✶ Subject line: Solo Pamphlet Open Call
✶ Send your submissions as attachments.
Include everything in 1 PDF file.


How do you pay?

Right now we have IBAN Bank Transfer/Mobile Pay (finland) or Paypal (only if no other option). We are looking into other methods for the future.

Can I send multiple submissions?

Yes! Send everything in the same email and stick to the guidelines for each submission. Please include everything as multi-page PDF attachments. 

When will we be notified of our submission status?

We aim to respond to all submissions by the end of April. As we are a small team, sometimes schedules and energies shift and change, we ask for your patience with this.

Do you accept languages other than English?

We are happy to accept other languages than English if they are accompanied by an English translation. 

Is being gender questioning enough if you’re cis? 

We would say if you identitfy as cis then this isn’t the space/oportunity for you right now but you are always welcome to come back and submit in the future if anything changes. 

Read more in our FAQ page︎︎︎